Jun 20, 2015 I’m basically beside myself. I doubt there is another human being who gets so excited about fruit. In fact, I convinced my babysitter to eat strawberries the other day, despite the possibility that she’s allergic. You see, they were picked at their sweet, ruby prime and they were red ALL THE WAY THROUGH! Which is what I kept exclaiming after every bite, as I jumped around waving half-eaten berries in her face. I think she ate some just to shut me up so she could leave. I made adapted these muffins from my Blueberry Sour Cream muffins, which are basically the best, moistest muffins ever. I used fresh raspberries and rhubarb. They are packed with fruit – the batter really just holds it all together. Cut the rhubarb into small pieces so that it softens properly in the short baking time, and so you don’t get a big bite of sour. I recommend against using frozen raspberries here, because so many are used that they would probably create patches of undercooked batter in the muffins. An easy finishing tip I really like for baked goods is to reserve some of the mix-ins (for cookies, scones, muffins, etc.) and put them on top before baking. I love the pretty rustic look it gives. Tomorrow is the first day of SUMMER! What are you going to do to celebrate (besides making these muffins, obviously)?!

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