Jan 25, 2017, Updated Apr 26, 2023
So. CHOCOLATE PUDDING CAKE. I really can’t say it without using caps. I think it’s because I’m making a conscious effort to use fewer exclamation marks in my writing. I have a hard time containing my enthusiasm in punctuation (see how I failed at the start of this post? I’m still learning.) Anyway, geez, books, podcasts, punctuation – it seems to be hard for me to stay on topic today. Pudding cake. Y’all already know it’s one of my favourite things in lemon pudding cake, strawberry rhubarb pudding cake and blueberry pudding cake form. Why have I never made it with chocolate? I have no idea. It’s got a layer of chocolate cake floating on a layer of gooey chocolate pudding. Warm from the oven with melty ice cream or whipped cream? I just don’t even know what to say. I don’t think I have to say anything. CHOCOLATE PUDDING CAKE. It speaks (shouts?) for itself. Alright, I’m off but let me just warn you urgently against trying to save a step by using cold water. It does not work. It doesn’t bloom the cocoa, and it doesn’t melt the sugar quickly enough to sink the pudding layer before it burns on top. Don’t do it. K, bye!