Jun 21, 2013 Yes, some days I’m a bit bleary-eyed – but it’s actually been wonderfully liberating to throw organization, productivity and scheduling out the window. Between the 3 am chow time, and the inevitable hunger cries exactly when we were about to load into the car/make dinner/write a blog post/eat dinner/take a shower/finish an email, little peanut has taught me to go with the flow, in a whole new way. Baby’s tummy (with the circumference of a walnut) empties quickly and when he wants milk, he wants milk now! As soon as his bum is wet, he wants a to have been changed five minutes ago! There’s just no point in fighting it. He doesn’t care that it’s an ungodly hour, or that I was otherwise engaged. The only choice for happiness is to enjoy the moment, smother him in kisses, and roll with the schedule he dictates. In doing so, I feel surprisingly relaxed. It’s nice. He’s also taught me the necessity of stashing snacks in pockets, sofa-cracks and bedside tables, because he seems to just know when I was about to make a meal, and find himself hungry at that moment. Enter Cherry Chocolate Granola Bars… I finally perfected the super-chewy homemade granola bar! Here are the secrets: First, you pulse some of the oats to a powder before you mix everything together. Second, the right ratio of liquid sweetener (honey or corn syrup) is necessary, and third, you must let the bars cool completely in the pan rather than transferring them to a cooling rack right away. Layer the bars between sheets of waxed paper in an air-tight container and store up to a week, or freeze them individually wrapped and they’ll last for months – pop them directly into your lunch box and they’ll be thawed by snack time.
2 ½ cups old fashioned rolled oats (large flake – not quick or instant) 1 cup whole almonds 1/3 cup honey or corn syrup ½ cup brown sugar, packed ½ tsp salt ¼ cup vegetable oil ½ tsp vanilla extract 1/8 tsp almond extract 2/3 cup dried cherries (or cranberries) ½ cup chocolate chips