Cake pops are balls made out of crumbled cakes , coated with candy melts / chocolate on the outside pricked in a lollipop stick. Ever since I saw the site bakerella……making cakepops were a dream to me. Last week the bug bit me hard that I wanted to try it right away….I know we dont get candy melts here, I didnt even have the lollipop sticks or the cooking chocolate. So let me admit, this is a fool proof method for making cake pops but sure a delicious lollipop 🙂 Now before my cake pops story let me wish all my readers and friends a very happy friendship day!! Friendship day was at its best during college days…..No enough space in the wrist for even bangles… much of friendship bands, wishes,cards, gifts and what not?! After I entered into the corporate world, friendship day was just another day except for the wishes through phone calls… close friends. Its been years I’ve flipped through the greeting cards that I had received. I felt nostalgic while dusting down the bags for taking the cards and bands for this post. It just took me a while to those days…..a short rewind I would say! Will that not be nice if we have a rewind button in life?! Check out more recipes Pin Now coming back to cake pops : I discussed the idea of making it with my friend who owns a sweet cum bakery shop…..he gave me few tips and suggested to use cooking chocolate…I tried in Nilgiris(the only store I get all my baking items in CBE) but no luck 🙁 But the cashewnut me 😉 went ahead with milky bar even after his warning. I made the cake balls as per the instructions, melted the chocolate and dipped the cake balls…then came the disaster the cake balls stuck to it and started crumbling 🙁 Hearing me a bit upset, my friend even said he will courier the cooking chocolate…But being a working mother getting only weekends for the luxury of clicking and making ready for special posts like this……I coudnt accept his offer. Special thanks to him for encouraging me to try again even after this flop. I will surely try the cakepops, the orginal way and post it here. Then came the idea of making the cake pops my way!! And all smiles there I went and made the cake pops with the remaining cake balls and clicked it too 🙂 I made a simple frosting and drizzled few edible color beads on the already made cake balls. I used the toothpicks to make it like a lollipop and here is the cakepops in my very own way!! This is the first time I am trying to frost using a nozzle….and was pretty excited to do it. Pin As a food blogger I always have had the thought of using mittu for my pics but as a mother its a big NO 🙂 But this time I took few pics with her and I should say she cooperated so well as she was keen on admiring the cake pops and I utilised it completely. Pin If you have any more questions about this Cake Pops Recipe do mail me at [email protected]. In addition, follow me on Instagram, Facebook,  Pinterest, Youtube and Twitter . Tried this Cake Pops Recipe ? Do let me know how you liked it. Also tag us on Instagram @sharmispassions and hash tag it on #sharmispassions.

📖 Recipe Card

Pin Variation After the cake balls are ready refrigerated, melt the chocolate and dip one end of the stick into the melted chocolate, tap off the excess and insert into the rolled cake balls pricking a little less than half way. Again refrigerate it for 30mins to make it set. You cake pops are ready to be enjoyed!! Pin My Notes:

The cake balls should be as firm as possible says bakerella so refrigerating atleast for an hour is surely recommended. Use cooking chocolate or candy melts for the outer layer.

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