Jan 28, 2014 Lazy mornings have been spent lingering over coffee in the sunniest spot of the house – the kitchen table. It’s nestled into a cozy corner. The windows gaze out on giant evergreens and a serene snow-covered field on one side, and a porch railing dotted with charming little chickadees on the other.
In mama’s house, nearly every inch of wall-space is host to colourful art, and mostly her own – she’s a wonderful artist. Watching the snow tumble down with warm fingers wrapped around my new favourite mug (a gift from mama), feet snug in stripy hand-knit wool socks (another gift from mama), I am just so aware of how beautiful this place is, and how lucky I am to have such a lovely patchwork family with such a cozy home to come back to. Sliced almonds, tangy cream cheese and sweet cardamom combine in this delightfully crumbly cookie. They are perfect winter treats – dust them with confectioners’ sugar to finish and they even look like snowballs. Perfect to enjoy on a snowy day, sitting at a warm kitchen table.


1 3/4 cups (8 oz/225 grams) all purpose flour 1/2 tsp salt 1 tsp ground cardamom 1/2 cup (4 oz/115 grams or 1/2 block) cream cheese 1 cup (8 oz/225 grams) butter, softened 3/4 cup (5 1/2 oz/150 grams) granulated sugar 1 egg yolk 1 tsp vanilla extract 1/2 tsp almond extract 1 cup sliced, blanched almonds


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